The story of our family of five six that has been uprooted from a city on the plains of Canada and find ourselves in a village in the French Alpes.

Consider yourself informed.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Over the river and through the woods...

Saturday we went out for a family hike when Alma woke up from her afternoon nap. The great thing about where we live is that as soon as she wakes up we can leave our house at and be at a trail-head 12 minutes later.

..."trail includes difficult passages..."

Fortunately Alma is stil very content to ride on my back, and the other kids are really great about hiking.  But really - what kid wouldn't like a trail that just goes straight through multiple mountain streams and waterfalls?

The hike is about 3.5km with about 500m of elevation gain - so there's a fairly long stretch that has a fairly significant amount of up.  But we have wised-up and carry more snacks now - and hold them out as blackmail ransom positive rewards for when we reach our destination

Grenoble in the valley below

And the waterfall at the end is a pretty good reward in itself.  When we got to it- Micah paused - then closed his eyes and with outstretched arms said "It was so beautiful I just had to see if it was a dream or not."  Seems reasonable to me.

not sure where he's going...but I'm sure it's safe

It only took about 3 hours for the whole hike, so we were home in time for supper.  Well - home in time for summer-schedule supper just after 8:00 - but still...

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