Today is the first ‘school day’ that the kids aren’t going to school - so it feels like the first real day of les vacances de Noël.
We got snow again last week - so the kids had a snow-covered school yard complete with snowmen and forts for the last week of school. The nice thing about snow here is that the temperature is (at least for us) very mild, which means the snow is actually sticky enough to build with, and kids come inside because they’re too hot and tired instead of too cold.
These pictures are from picking up the kids on Friday - we wanted to get some pictures of their school yard when it was all decorated. Micah missed the last week of school due to a fever. We were however quite relieved when we took him to the doctor and found out it that it was not Scarlet Fever - which has been going around the school, and a few kids in his class had over the past few weeks. He was able to go to school on Friday when we picked up the others just so he could give his Maîtress a present. (In case you were wondering why he looks all glassey-eyed and slightly startled standing in front of the tree in his classroom - it was pretty much the first he had been vertical in a few days)
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