The story of our family of five six that has been uprooted from a city on the plains of Canada and find ourselves in a village in the French Alpes.

Consider yourself informed.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Girls day out

Susan and Matea went out this afternoon...

on their way out.
 ... for Matea to get her hair cut (I believe her first real cut since we moved to this country in August 2010!)

...and after

They grabbed some treats from the boulangerie next to the hair-dresser - then went over to eat by a chateaux.  Everything was going so well until 

- the van decided to not start! 

 So they sat in the 34* heat until ....dum du daaa....BOYS TO THE RESCUE. Jonah, Micah and I came (with Alma for good measure)  We tried jumpstarting it - but it was just not firing. It was acting like it wasn't getting any fuel.  Then Susan pointed out - "could it have to do with the fact that the tail pipe is right against  the hill back here" 
 So much for boys to the rescue.  
Yup - that was it. 


  1. Boys to the rescue or Kiesers???? ;-) love M's hair!!!!!!!

  2. You look great Matea and do you have a beautiful Mom or what?!?

  3. yep're right. kiesers to the rescue.....again.


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